Good practice that makes a big difference

Key Learning Points

  • Personal touches from individual staff can make a real difference to how women and their partners cope with the emergency and recovery
  • Transfers within the hospital can be difficult and are made easier for women by:
considering both their critical needs and needs as a new parent
use of a single room where possible
  • Reviewing their notes and/or a discussion with their consultant after an event can help women make sense of what happened
  • Women find GP support once they are discharged valuable to help them return to normal life
  • Explanations, often repeated, of what is happening are helpful to women and their partners at all stages of the emergency and recovery.
We interviewed women who experienced life-threatening emergencies during or shortly after pregnancy, and some partners/fathers. Across the care pathway, women and their partners identified a number of straightforward examples of good practice that made a big impact on how they experienced and recovered from these severe morbidities.
In the emergency
Women’s experiences of the emergency varied greatly. Women and their partners understood that during the emergency, the focus of medical staff was to save their lives and the life of their baby. However, a number of them gave us examples of thoughtfulness from professional staff that made a real difference to how they felt at the time.
Jo was pregnant with her first child. When she started to bleed at home, she called an ambulance. As soon as she arrived at the hospital, emergency staff put a Doppler to her bump to reassure her the baby was OK. Jo’s experiences also highlight the difficulties women may have consenting to emergency interventions in these situations.

Jo started bleeding at home, an early sign that her placenta was breaking away from her womb. The…

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 30

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A number of women noticed that small personal touches from individual doctors and midwives had a big impact on how they coped.

Natalie had a haemorrhage shortly after giving birth. Once the emergency had been dealt with the…

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 30

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Naomi felt a terrible pain and called the ambulance. Her consultant was there, rubbed her cheek…

Age at interview 37

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 35

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Julie was admitted to hospital with pre-eclampsia. She felt very reassured by the care and attention the midwife gave her overnight, but contrasts this with her very different experience of the postnatal ward.

Julie trusted the midwife who looked after her overnight before her daughter was born. She felt…

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 32

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Paula developed amniotic fluid embolism after giving birth to her daughter. She was very happy with the care she received, but explains how important it was to her that her daughter was dressed in clothes that she had brought in with her. In the confusion of the emergency this didn’t happen, and thinking about it still upsets her, even now that her daughter is three years old.

Paula explains how important it was to her that her daughter was dressed in the outfits she had…

Age at interview 49

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 46

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Fathers are often left wondering what is happening to their wife/partner while staff are fighting to save her life. We were given examples of small acts of kindness that helped them cope during the anxious waiting period. Michael’s son was delivered early after his wife developed HELLP syndrome.

Michael was grateful to one of the doctors who brought photos of his son out of the operating…

Age at interview 32

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 32

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Dean’s baby was in NICU while his wife was in Intensive Care. He established a routine spending…

Age at interview 43

Gender Male

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Mike refused to leave his wife when she was she went through to theatre to stop her bleeding and…

Age at interview 34

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 33

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Transfer in the hospital
Being transferred out of surgery or critical care to less acute areas of the hospital was often a difficult time for women. Paula had amniotic fluid embolism and highlighted how she had needs not only relating to being critically ill, but also to her role as a new mother.

Paula felt there was a tension between her clinical needs as a patient, and her needs as a new…

Age at interview 49

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 46

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There were important examples given where the sensitivity of staff eased the transfer. Several women described being offered their own room for a night or two, so that they could be private as they started to recover from their near miss.

Natalie was transferred to a single room after her post-partum haemorrhage. She was grateful for…

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 30

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Follow up
Some women wanted to meet with doctors to understand more about what had happened during the emergency, to piece together the missing bits. Others found it helpful to go through their notes. It helped them understand and come to terms with their experience.

Karen had a haemorrhage and hysterectomy and applied to see her notes from her time in the…

Age at interview 44

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 42

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Mandy had a follow up meeting with doctors a few weeks after her haemorrhage and hysterectomy…

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 28

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Samantha felt her 6-week check with the GP was a bit brief given what she had been through, but…

Age at interview 49

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Post-natal support
The support that women were offered after they were discharged from hospital varied greatly. Women who were given support by their GPs valued it as they recovered and tried to get back to normal life.

Her GP was in constant contact and it made a real difference to Naomi knowing there was going to…

Age at interview 49

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Lisa was given fantastic care and support by her local GP once she came home after her…

Age at interview 36

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 35

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Some women did not feel the postnatal support was as good as it could have been.
Clare developed a DVT after having her second child. She was given incorrect information about whether she could continue to breastfeed while taking warfarin.

Clare found having to suddenly give her son a bottle very upsetting. Her GP did some research and…

Age at interview 34

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 34

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Sophie was discharged from hospital after having a pulmonary embolism and a post-partum haemorrhage.
Communication and understanding
Good communication with health professionals, during the emergency or afterwards, helped women and their partners understand what was happening to them, and make sense of the experience afterwards.

Michael felt that doctors were very good at explaining to him and his wife why they were going to…

Age at interview 32

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 32

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Both Alex and Kerry had placenta praevia. Their contrasting experiences highlight how good communication was important in helping them understand the risks of their condition.

Kerry was very frightened when she started to bleed. She felt doctors should have sat her down…

Age at interview 27

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 25

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Alex found it hard being in hospital for weeks, separated from her two year old daughter. But…

Age at interview 37

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 36

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