
After an easy pregnancy with her fourth child Deborah was hoping for a water birth. When she was 12 days overdue Deborah went into hospital for induction. During labour, her son suffered hypoxia and died.

Deborah’s baby was stillborn. He suffocated due to lack of oxygen. Deborah and her husband arranged a post mortem and sued the hospital for negligence. Although Deborah herself suffered no complications during the labour, she did develop post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) a year or so after the birth partly as a result of the research that she had done about her labour. She felt that her life would have been in danger had she developed any complications, as she was cared for so badly no one would have noticed.

Deborah’s baby was stillborn. She was put in touch with a bereavement midwife who offered her…

Age at interview 41

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 35