
Francesca’s daughter caught Covid for the first time in May 2021. Her daughter had mild symptoms, but she complained that food tasted bad. The changes to her taste have persisted and only recently started to improve. Francesca’s daughter was reinfected with Covid in September 2021. Francesca was really concerned by the infection rates and lack of prevention measures in schools so kept her daughter off school for five weeks before and after Christmas holidays. Her daughter caught Covid for the third time 3 days after returning to school at the end of January 2022. Francesca and her husband both caught Covid this time. Francesca’s husband recovered well, but she still has symptoms 7 weeks on. Francesca was interviewed in March 2022

In May 2021, Francesca’s five-year-old daughter had a high temperature and cold symptoms. She tested positive on a lateral flow test for Covid, but the symptoms passed within a few days. Francesca and her husband weren’t infected. Her daughter complained that food tasted unpleasant, and her diet “became really restricted because there were so few things that she could actually tolerate the taste of.” This was complicated by the fact that the family were vegan and “all fruit is off the menu.” Her daughter found salty food like crisps OK but “she doesn’t really like chocolate anymore.” The changes to her sense of taste have persisted for nine months although they have started to improve recently. Because of her limited diet, her daughter was found to be deficient in vitamin D and “so we give her the oral spray of that, and a probiotic.” Francesca says, “She’s never verbally expressed sadness really about this change and she’ll just factually say, ‘Oh, my taste buds don’t work properly,’ she’ll just state it as a fact.”

Francesca’s daughter was reinfected with Covid in September 2021, she thinks from school, but again she recovered quickly. The reinfection did not make her taste symptoms worse, but she did develop pain and cold in the hands, feet, and legs particularly at night-time, but these have since improved. A few months after, she also developed an innocent heart murmur, but the health professionals are not concerned about it and think it will heal over time.

A referral to a Long Covid clinic was offered to Francesca’s daughter for her taste symptoms but as these are gradually improving, she does not think it is needed. Francesca is satisfied with the care that they got, “I feel like they had a good attitude to Long Covid, as in they just admitted not much was known about it, but they took the individual symptoms themselves seriously…I didn’t ever feel like we were dismissed, or it wasn’t listened to.”

Francesca was really concerned by the infection rates and lack of prevention measures in schools so kept her daughter off school before and after Christmas holidays 2021 when there was a Covid outbreak in the area. Her daughter caught Covid for the third time three days after returning to school at the end of January 2022. Francesca and her husband both caught Covid this time. Francesca’s husband recovered well, but she still has symptoms seven weeks on.

During the pandemic, Francesca changed jobs so she could work more flexibly and be home based. She is currently working totally from home while she recovers from her Covid symptoms.

Francesca talks about her view of Long Covid: “I think I understood quite early on that it can affect anyone, healthy children can…you know, I was, sort of, quite plugged into those conversations on social media” and had already joined Long Covid Kids before her daughter had Long Covid “because it was just something I was concerned about and I was interested in as a parent, as a teacher, as a health and safety rep, as an anxious person.”

Francesca feels the communication and messaging from schools has always been, “Covid is a mild illness.” She feels her concerns have been dismissed by her daughter’s school and headteacher saying, “‘I’ve answered your questions, I’m following government guidance,’ so she completely closed down the conversation around health and safety…she hasn’t replied to any communications from me since the beginning of February.” She feels the focus in schools and government is too much on attendance and attendance data and that “there was this huge rush to get everybody back into schools together into buildings that are unsuitable, overcrowded, poorly ventilated” with a lack of education around transmission and awareness of Long Covid in children. She says, “Part of me really, really wants to keep reminding people that this thing exists, when it’s very convenient to pretend it doesn’t, or to not think about it because it’s depressing and inconvenient. So yeah, sometimes I’ll just…I’ll put it out there because I think someone needs to know [laughs].”

Francesca described ambivalences and tensions over her daughter’s Long Covid diagnosis.

Age at interview 47

Francesca said that her daughter was referred to a Long Covid clinic, but they had decided that it was no longer needed.

Age at interview 47

Francesca worries that her daughter would be more vulnerable than others if she got reinfected due to her Long Covid. Her daughter has already been infected three times at school.

Age at interview 47

Francesca felt that her work colleagues did not want to face the reality of Long Covid in young people.

Age at interview 47

Francesca says the whole experience with her daughter’s Long Covid has taken a huge toll on her mental health. She’s frustrated that Long Covid in children is not taken more seriously.

Age at interview 47

Francesca feels lucky that even though she has had serious fatigue herself, her daughter Sierra was still able to manage activities, including her dance class.

Age at interview 47